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About Us

Jesus said, "I will build My church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."  Matthew 16:18

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Alec and Ginny Wade are Co-Founders and Executive Directors of His Call Ministries. They have been married 59 years and have five adult children and 17 grandchildren. Alec graduated from Illinois Wesleyan University with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.  He served as a combat officer in Viet Nam in the United States Army.  Alec’s career experience included twenty-five years as a Special Agent in the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). 


Ginny graduated from Illinois State University with a Bachelor of Science in Education.  She taught in public and private schools, as well as home schooled three of their five children.  Ginny has a Master’s Diploma in Practical Ministry from Wagner Leadership Institute (WLI). Alec and Ginny are both members of the International Society of Deliverance Ministers (ISDM).


The Wades have served the Lord in active ministry for 40 years.  They are ordained ministers who pastor Sparta House of Zion, a home church affiliated with Glory of Zion International Ministries. They are gifted, anointed, prophetic teachers; teaching training courses in practical ministry and speaking at seminars and retreats.  They conduct personal one-on-one ministry by appointment with individuals who seek inner-healing and deliverance. 


Alec and Ginny have a love for God, family, and country.  They enjoy discipling men and women in the faith; and have a heart to see the next generation raised up as leaders for the glory of God, to fulfill their God-given purpose and Divine destinies in Christ. 

His Call Ministries Kenya 4
His Call Ministries Alec praying in Keny




The vision of His Call Ministries is to heal and restore the broken hearted; to help build /rebuild lives with a sound foundation in the knowledge and understanding of God’s love and grace, His Word, and His ways; to help individuals grow in knowledge and life skills; and, through Christ, come to maturity in relationships and assuming of responsibilities.


Furthermore, the vision of His Call Ministries is to teach and equip believers in how to hear the voice of God and follow the leading of His Spirit; how to operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and walk in faith and obedience; how to receive prophetic revelation and to pray and engage in spiritual warfare with authority and assurance; and how to break demonic strongholds and set captives free. Training classes, seminars, retreats, and camps are scheduled throughout the year to accomplish these goals. Experienced, qualified, anointed leaders and teachers are invited to speak, minister, and impart their gifts.




The Board of Directors for His Call Ministries governs through its by-laws; sets policies; and oversees the operation of the ministry. Financial resources for the ministry come from the donations of those who support the vision and purpose of this ministry; and from the contributions of those benefiting from the ministry.




We believe the Bible is the divinely inspired, inerrant Word of God; the authority in all matters of faith, doctrine, and conduct.

We believe God is a Triune being: The Father, Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth; Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord God and King; and the Holy Spirit.  We believe in the virgin birth; the atoning death on the cross and the resurrection of Christ; The Gospel and salvation by grace; the second coming of Christ and the resurrection of the dead.




Tuesday, July 13, 2021


            The Lord led me this morning to read Isaiah 55:8-9.  "'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,' declares the Lord.  'For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.'" 

            The Lord is calling us.  Are we hearing?  He is wanting us to draw nearer to Him and to come up higher, to hear more clearly His thoughts and to learn His ways.  Are we making enough time to wait upon Him?  Have we let too many distractions get in the way?  Are we willing to give up our ways and seek to learn His ways?  Are we even thinking about how to hear the Lord; how to please the Lord; how to grow in faith, grace, and obedience? 

            God is thinking about all these things regarding us.  We are always on His mind.  He doesn't need to change.  He is asking us to change.  He is calling us out of the world and its ways.  He is asking us to join Him in the ways of His Spirit and His Kingdom.  Knowing His thoughts and His ways are essential.  We are going to be the vessels that He works through, to perform miracles, healings, raising the dead, and deliverances.  Do you truly believe that nothing is impossible with God?  Do you believe that He wants to work through you?  Will you trust Him and let Him train and equip you? 

            Many in the church today seem to have lost their focus, their purpose and destiny in Christ.  Many have become lukewarm and casual about their Christian walk.  Many have loved the world, letting the things of the world distract and entice them.  Thus, they have become worldly minded, instead of knowing the mind of Christ and the way of the cross.  Many have become content with a form of godliness, but do not have the power of God manifesting in their lives.  God is calling us to return to a closer more intimate relationship with Him, in the Spirit.

Next, I was drawn to Isaiah 30:15.  "For thus the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, has said, 'In repentance and rest you will be saved; in quietness and trust is your strength.  But you were not willing.'"

            Returning and repenting is always the first step to restoring a closer walk and relationship with the Lord, to receive His favor and blessing.  Are we willing  to ask God for forgiveness?    He loves a humble heart.  Repentance turns His ear to us.  It opens His heart to us.  It causes Him to draw us into His embrace.  In His mercy, His blood cleanses us from our sin, in Jesus name.  I believe the Lord has so much more for every believer!  He is waiting on us to come closer.  He wants to do great and mighty things through us as we yield to His thoughts and His ways.  Are you confident in His love, His faithfulness, and His ability to lead you?  There is nothing to fear.  God is FOR you, therefore who can be against you?  He gives His angels charge, over you! 

            Our nation is hanging in the balance.  God loves this nation.  God is waiting on His church to return, to hear His voice, to learn His ways, and obey His Spirit's leading.  He can turn things around amazingly fast, when we get into alignment with Him.   Are you willing?  Are you ready?  Let me encourage you to seek Him, wait upon Him, and trust Him.  In His love and faithfulness, He will respond and reveal Himself to you.  He will show you the way; for He alone, is the way, the truth, and the life.  Enjoy life's journey, with faith in God!      

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